
Follow these simple steps to keep your new smile icy and white.

Tooth gem care:

For the first few days, you'll feel the gem on your tooth, but soon you will get used to the new feeling. Avoid playing with the gem or picking at it.

To get your gems to last as long as possible, avoid biting directly into sticky or crunchy food with the teeth that have gems on them.

Cut or tear hard food into pieces before chewing them. For example, cut apples into slices, avoid biting into corn on the cob, and don't crunch on ice.

Long term:

A beautiful smile is a healthy smile.

Follow a good daily hygiene routine, including gently brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing between your teeth, every morning and night.

Please continue to see your dentist for regular checkups and dental care. During your routine cleanings, they are able to clean around your gems and remove plaque buildup. TIP: If you look in the mirror while you brush, you’re more likely to be gentle on your gems.

Gem removal:

When you’re ready to switch up your style, or if your gem falls off, book a removal with SMILE&WINK or with your dentist’s office. We can safely and painlessly remove the gem and/or polish off any remaining bonding material. Please do not try to remove the gem yourself.

Teeth whitening care:

Don’t have anything to eat or drink for the first hour after whitening, except water.

If any sensitivity occurs after your treatment, it should be mild and short-term. An over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Tylenol, should relieve it.

Avoid smoking and stick to a “white diet” for the first 24 hours after whitening.

If it can stain a white shirt, it can stain a white tooth. Avoid eating or drinking foods with dark color for the first day, because the "pores" of your teeth are still open and your teeth will absorb the stain.

Consider booking a whitening touch-up with SMILE&WINK every 2-3 months to maintain your results, especially if you smoke or drink a lot of dark beverages.

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